An Objective Podcast Discussing Life Through A Lens of Fitness

The Fit Perception Core Principles



Keep things simple. In life as well as in fitness, the more simple you keep things, the more likely you are to stay consistent, which will breed positive, future results.

The more simple you keep things, the more control you have over what happens in your life. We start to doubt and question ourselves when things get too complicated, because we have less control.

So KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.



Consistency breeds success. There can be no lasting improvement in our lives without first being consistent in our positive habits and efforts.

The more consistency you demand from yourself, the less extreme your highs and lows become, and the more control you’ll have over your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Focus on consistent effort, rather than perfection and watch your life grow faster, healthier, and happier.



Balace is E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. There is no such thing as perfection in life, and expecting yourself to be perfect will inevitably lead to disappointment because it’s impossible to achieve!

You’re never going to be 100% perfect in your diet, your workout schedule, keeping a positive mindset, etc. so try to find a “perfect” balance.

Allow yourself to let go, and unwind. Allow yourself a good time. Allow yourself a delicious treat. Allow yourself to balance, instead of demanding 100% perfection in every aspect, 100% of the time.


The Fit Perception Podcast is hosted by Thomas Belliston, a certified personal trainer and fitness enthusiast.